Portfolio (Python) [reset topic]
Please Note: I'm in the process of adding things to this list. There's still plenty to be added!
Python is a relatively new language to me. I've been teaching it to myself as I put my website together more and more. It's an interesting language, and has some features I wasn't expecting: white space provides context within the language, among other things. It's been fun, since I haven't tried to learn a new language in quite a while!
Planet Nebula (This Website)
I've had a website at this address (Planet-Nebula.com) since 2001, but like most websites, it's gone through plenty of revisions along the way. From initial my initial experiments with HTML, PHP, MySQL and such, up to today with its snazzy Django back-end, it's been quite a trip.
Fancy Buzzwords: HTML/XHTML, PHP, Python